Sunday, August 28, 2005

This is "Skull Hill", or Golgotha, can you see why? It is just right outside the garden.
Here is part of the inside of the tomb where the body would have been.

This is Jer at the Garden Tomb. Catholics believe that Jesus was crucified and buried where the Church of the Holy Sepulcher now stands, but many Protestants disagree and think it was a little down the road in this garden area. There is a lot of evidence for both. Anyway, you can actually see where the stone to this tomb would have been, it's very big, look at the rounded edge on the far right and follow the line all the way around.
This was my favourite part of the Rockerfeller Museum. It actually wasn't part of the exhibit, it was just a wall but i thought it was some good tile work.

Jer has a big foot.
Jer at the Rockerfeller Museum. We had the whole place to ourselves this day.
This is Damascus gate which is one of the entrances to the Old City.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A nice view of Jerusalem from Mt. Scopus, where I attend university. Bethlehem should be in the distant background.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

This is Jer at the Ethiopian compound -- sort of on top of part of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

This is the ceiling of part of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher right by our apartment.

The desert again. There are some areas near Kibbutz' that are pretty lush like this one, but it's mostly just rock.

This is the excavated synagogue at En Gedi . It is about 10 minutes from Qumran. It is 6th or 7th century.

Jer found some shade in the desert. It was pretty hot, but not as bad as I had expected. It was around mid 40's just before noon. Those are capers growing out of the rock.

This is the Judean desert. In front on the right beside the palm trees is the excavated qumran and at the back is the dead sea.

Jer in the Kidron Valley just outside the walls of the Old City.

The Mediterranean (Tel Aviv)

This is the beach at Tel Aviv. It goes on for miles.

This is the Roman Cardo ("main street" with lots of shops and stuff) that is in the Jewish quarter of the old city. There are a lot of interesting excavated sites in the city. This is from the second temple period.

This is the building that the Orion Centre for Dead Sea Scrolls is in (where Jer will intern). It is on campus and has a great view.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A closer look.

This is a bit of a better view of the Western Wall. The wall is divided into a mens section and a women's section.

This is the garden of Gethsemane. it is pretty barren this time of year without any rain. apparently olive trees can live for a couple thousand years. there are eight remaining in the garden that are said to be from the time of Jesus.

Friday, August 05, 2005

This is the view from mt. scopus where school is. This is part of Jerusalem and you can see part of the Judean desert in the back and if it was a clear day you could see the Dead sea.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

western wall--not a good view

old city roof tops

part of the view from our roof

this is our salon (whatever that means). we like the elephant and the swords.

this is our street. we live at #10 on the right